Bokashi Starter Kit


  • Free Standard Shipping!
  • Fast and simple to use
  • Builds healthy soil
  • Pest and mess free
  • All food waste
  • No foul odors
  • Sustainable
More Product Information:

Start composting at home today with this simple to use bokashi composting starter kit!

The great thing about composting with the bokashi process is just how simple it is. All you need to do is add food scraps to one of your bins and sprinkle with Premium Bokashi Bran daily. Once your bin is full, seal the lid and let it sit for two weeks. Then you'll be ready to bury your fermented food waste in your yard or compost pile to complete the process of turning food scraps into valuable fertilizer.

This process is ideal for those who live in cold climates. Simply store your Bokashi Bins over the winter and use them in the springtime. By keeping your food scraps in bins for the majority of the composting process you’ll dramatically reduce the likelihood of varmints such as mice and bugs infesting your compost pile and your garden. The simple process is also ideal for those who have busy lives and who don’t want to commit as much time to managing and working on a traditional compost pile in their yards.

*Please note we cannot ship this item to Alaska or Hawaii

What's included in the starter kits?

Choose between one bin with one bag of Premium Bokashi Bran, or two bins with two bags of Premium Bokashi Bran. The two bin option will allow you to continuously collect and compost all of your food waste as it’s produced.

Each starter kit includes:

  • 1 or 2 Bokashi kitchen composters (Bokashi Bucket)
  • 1 or 2 2.2 lb. (1 kg) bags of Premium Bokashi Bran
  • Complete Guide to Bokashi Composting booklet
Storing Bokashi Bran:

Store your Premium Bokashi Bran in an airtight container within a few degrees of room temperature. The Bokashi Bran bags are zip-lock style and can be considered airtight for storage. Be sure to keep it out of direct sunlight. When stored correctly, Premium Bokashi Bran will remain fully active for up to 18 months!

Benefits of Bokashi Composting: